Club Captain’s message

Hello to all members of Hoylake Lawn Tennis Club from your Captain for this year (again!), Clair Miller. We are at the beginning of another season, starting with our Family Fun Day on Sunday from 2pm till 4, including test your serve speed, bouncy castle, tennis and tea.

We are running loads of teams this year of all types and standards and if you are interested in participating in any of them please let either me or Craig know. These include National League teams, Wirral league mixed and mens teams, Chester league mens , ladies and mixed teams and Friendly matches.

Clair 07732300893

Craig 07739714764

We are running team practices on the next 3 Tuesdays and several of you will have received a message from Craig regarding these. If you have not received an invitation and would like to be included please let me or Craig know.

Even if you are not interested in playing in matches I hope that you will join in our social tennis on Wednesday evenings from 6pm (the bar will be open !) and Sunday afternoons from 2pm including Sunday Tea from around 4pm provided by the members.

Let’s hope for some good weather so we can play lots of tennis!

Clair Miller

Club Captain

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